Tel Aviv, Israel —Watching a zombie apocalypse movie can be a great way to kill some time, pun intended. However, a new survey finds plenty of Americans are actually prepping for the day their local streets are full of the walking dead. In fact, one in four don’t think it’s unusual for prepare for a real-life zombie apocalypse.
The poll of over 1,000 Americans, commissioned by, also finds that more than one in 10 people have stockpiled food just in case zombies become a real thing. Moreover, 58 percent of respondents think a zombie apocalypse will occur within the next 30 years. Another 12 percent think such a catastrophe will take place over a century from now and 11 percent actually think zombies already exist.
As for where this world-ending event will take place, it turns out that the nation’s most populated states will be the most likely “zombie outbreak” hotspots. California tops the list, with crowded states like Florida, New York, Texas, and Georgia rounding out top five.
Where can you survive the impending zombie invasion?
To find out which states would make a good sanctuary from a horde of the walking dead, researchers analyzed more than 1,200 Google search terms related to preparing for a zombie apocalypse. The team also compared those results to each state’s population, revealing that Americans in Wyoming appear to have zombies on the mind a lot! The Equality State ranks number one in terms of being most prepared for the oncoming zombie invasion
If you prefer to move somewhere a little more remote than the middle of the country, try Alaska, which ranked second on the list. Vermont, North Dakota, and South Dakota rounded out the top five most prepared states in the nation — which is great news if you like snow, Mount Rushmore, and hate the undead.
Unfortunately, the news isn’t so great for your friends who live in big cities, who will likely be overrun by their zombified neighbors. As if the state doesn’t have enough problems already, California comes in as the least prepared for a zombie invasion. Texas, Florida, New York, and Pennsylvania round out the bottom of the zombie preparedness list.